bryndzove halusky

Bryndzové halušky recipe

What's halušky?

If you are traveling through Slovakia and you want to eat a typical slovak meal, you should order some "halušky". Halušky originates from the region of Liptov and Orava, but it's now considered the main dish of the slovak traditional cuisine.
Usually compared to "gnocchi", it's made with mixed potatoes and flower, sometime with eggs.
You can find it as a side dish or cooked with cabbage, jam or chocolate powder.
But the most famous is the Bryndzove halušky, with the sheep cheese "Bryndza" and bacon.

Where to eat halušky in Nitra

In Nitra you can find halušky in all traditional restaurants but our favorite place for that is Hofferka.
Address: Štefánikova trieda 22/39

The recipe of bryndzove halušky

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 1kg of potatoes
  • 300g of flower
  • Half glass of milk
  • 200 g of bacon
  • 250 g of Bryndza
  • 50g of cream
  • Oil, salt, pepper
  • 1 onion


Grate fine the potatoes and mixed them with milk, flower and salt. You should obtain a slightly sticky dough.
Divide it into rolls, then cut them on small slices and put everything on a moistened board.
Boil water in a large saucepan.
Put the small slices on boiled water and when they rise to the surface, cook for 5/6 minutes more.
On the same time, cut the onion and the bacon on slices and cook them together with a little bit of oil for 10 minutes.
On another saucepan, cook bryndza together with cream for few minutes.
Serve the halusky on each plate, cover with the hot bryndza sauce and then put the bacon on the top.
Now, give us a call and invite us for dinner!
Have a nice meal!